The Author

Writing the Sarah Tolerance books gives Madeleine Robins the chance to focus on many of her ruling passions: cities, history, and swordplay, with a side order of historical costuming and infrastructure (urban plumbing is far more interesting than you’d think).

Born in New York City, the Author has been, in no particular order, a nanny, a teacher, an actor and stage-combatant, an administrator, a comic book editor, a baker, typist-clerk for Thos. Cook’s Houses of Parliament office, a repairer-of-hurt-books, an editorial consultant, and a writer.  She holds a degree in Theatre Studies from Connecticut College, and attended the Clarion Science Fiction Workshop in 1981.  She is a founding member of the BookViewCafe, where most of her short fiction is available for free!

A lifelong and passionate fan of cities and all things urban, Madeleine Robins now lives in San Francisco with her family, dog, and one hegemonic lemon tree.

The dress she wears in the photo on the right was made by her, patterned after a painting of the Comtesse Walther by Robert Lefévre, and (alas) hasn’t fit in a decade….